Natural Food Ingredients

2021 Food Trends – Flavor and Health Benefits

What are the 2021 food trends? In 2021, the food industry is expected to bombard the market with cutting-edge new products with an intense emphasis on immunity strengthening foods, convenient snacks and unique flavor combinations for both.

Functional Health Benefits Will Continue to Drive 2021 Food Trends

In a statement by Whole Foods in October 2020, they indicated that, “The lines are blurring between the supplement and grocery aisles and that trend will accelerate in 2021. That means superfoods, probiotics, broths and sauerkrauts. Suppliers are incorporating functional ingredients like vitamin C, mushrooms and adaptogens to foster a calm headspace and support the immune system. For obvious reasons, people want this pronto.”

ADM research reported that 31% of consumers are more interested in purchasing products specifically for their health and 50% carry a desire for foods that contain naturally beneficial ingredients. ADM reports that “This growing trend will create new opportunities for nutrient-dense products with functional health benefits aimed at supporting the immune system, enhancing mood, and sustaining energy.”

In addition, life amongst a pandemic has shifted the thinking of many consumers towards making sure they have enough food, food that promotes health and immunity, and products that are unique in flavor bringing a level of excitement to the less social communities we all now live in. A survey done by GlobalData in June 2020 found that 80% of global consumers are understandably concerned about COVID-19, and 23% admit they’ve recently stockpiled more vitamins and supplements and are searching out more unique and flavorful foods.

Baobab Fruit Powder Can Add Fiber and Antioxidants

2021 Food Trends - Increased demand for fortified foods.

Baobab fruit powder is an antioxidant powerhouse with an Orac value of 16,800. For every 12 gram serving Baobab fruit powder delivers 14mg of vitamin C, 272mg of potassium, and 40mg of magnesium. And almost as important as the nutritional value, Baobab fruit powder is 50% fiber of which 75% of the dietary fiber is prebiotic. This makes Baobab fruit powder a powerful functional ingredient.

Baobab fruit powder is naturally dehydrated which helps to make its nutritional value very stable no matter the type of food product it is a part of. And with its light lemon taste it acts as a flavor brightener helping to boost the other profiles.  

Bright Colors And Flavors Are Leading 2021 Food Trends

ADM also reported thatSensory factors like flavor and color are also playing an increasingly crucial role. Consumers are gravitating toward foods and beverages with bright and exciting colors that indicate citrus flavors, with their naturally occurring vitamin C, as well as products with familiar, nostalgic flavors during these stressful times.”

With exciting flavors and improved health benefits desired in new upcoming food products, Organically Africa remains a perfect fit. Some of the top flavor being predicted for 2021 food trends are all things chili, creative salts, ginger, coffee flavors and cacao. Interestingly, Organically Africa’s unique Baobab Superfruit Bites formulation can be developed to meet any desired flavor profile your food product may need. And you aren’t limited to just fruit snacks, we can incorporate vegetables and spices to make truly unique flavor and nutritional profiles. There is almost no limit to what we can do with our unique formulation. How about some Chili Mango? Pineapple Chili? Carrot Mango? And those are just a few of our customized flavor profiles. 

Our standard fruit snack flavors are:

  • Pomegranate
  • Blueberry
  • Strawberry
  • Peach Mango

Some of our other fruit and vegetable snack flavors include:

  • Apple
  • Blood Orange
  • Pear
  • Lime
  • Grape
  • Pineapple
  • Carrot
  • Plantain
  • Sweet Potato

If you are looking to get a jump 2021 food trends consider adding ingredients that fit the trends, Organically Africa can customize our Baobab Superfruit Bites to match nearly any flavor profile you can come up with and Baobab Fruit Powder is a great way to add antioxidants and fiber to your upcoming food products.

Contact our natural ingredient experts and let us help you explore these great natural ingredient options.