Natural Food Ingredients

What Are Functional Gummies?

Functional gummies or what are sometimes referred to as fortified gummies, are pectin or gelatin based gummies that have functional health benefits. The popularity of Functional gummies is certainly on the rise. Most major vitamin or supplement brands have already developed a gummy product to deliver their nutritional or health products. But what exactly are functional gummies? Why have they become so popular? And what innovative ways are functional gummies being used?

What Is A Functional Gummy?

A functional gummy is a bite sized pectin or gelatin based fruit morsel that has been developed with nutritional fortifications. Flavoring can be natural or artificial and the fortifications can range from vitamins and minerals to fiber or fatty acids. As a manufactured fruit morsel, sugar content, flavor and texture can be tightly controlled for almost any desired outcome.

Why Have Functional Gummies Become So Popular?

The functional gummy market for vitamins alone is expected to reach $9.3 Billion by 2026. Gummies were once relegated as fruit snacks for kids. A tasty treat to placate hungry kids. But as any parent will tell you, even adults love snacking on fruit gummies.

The vitamin manufacturers saw the popularity of fruit snacks as a way to grow the kids vitamin market by fortifying gummies with single and multi vitamins. Children were much more likely to take their vitamins in fun fruit shapes and flavors. 

As with fruit snacks, parents started to take their children’s gummy vitamins, preferring the fruit flavored gummies over traditional pill form vitamins. Currently 61% of the gummy vitamin market is the adult vitamin market.

Besides appealing fruit flavor, another reason the market for gummy vitamins has grown so popular is that according to research by AMR, 38% of Americans have difficulty swallowing pills and consuming vitamins in the form of a tasty fruit morsel overcomes this hurdle.  

Innovation In Functional Gummies

One drawback to traditional fruit gummies is their relatively high sugar content. Added sugar is traditionally used to sweeten the fruit flavor and make the gummies appealing. More and more consumers are starting to move away from products with added sugar.

What Are Functional Gummies? Baobab Superfruit Bites are functional gummies with no added sugar.

Organically Africa’s innovative Baobab Superfruit Bites have no added sugar. Their great fruit taste comes directly from the fruit concentrate and baobab superfruit. Baobab’s light lemon taste acts as a flavor brightener and brings out the natural sweetness of the fruit juice concentrate without the need for additional sugar. 

In their base formulation, Baobab Superfruit Bites are a great source of dietary fiber, antioxidants and potassium.

Our innovative formulation and manufacturing process allows us to add additional fortifications and an almost unlimited combination of fruit and/or vegetable flavors. No matter your desired flavor profile and fortification needs, we can craft a Baobab Superfruit Bite that is perfect for your application.

In addition to the traditional stand alone gummy application, our Baobab Superfruit Bites are perfect for incorporating a fruity fortified morsel into snack foods from trail mixes to baked goods and even as an ingredient in frozen treats. As a food manufacturer, your options are nearly endless so you can let your imagination run wild!