Natural Health Ingredients

Psyllium Vs. Baobab When Considering Natural Dietary Fiber

Fiber is a key element in a holistic diet as it works to benefit many areas of the body and its systems. Risks of developing a range of conditions can be greatly reduced by adhering to a high-fiber diet as well as aiding in weight loss and weight management. Fiber supplements use a wide range of fiber such as psyllium. Baobab is high in natural dietary fiber, so how does baobab compare to other fibers like psyllium? Let us first explore the advantages of fiber in our diet, then we will compare these two fiber sources.

How Does Dietary Fiber Improve Our Health?

  • Increases prebiotics in the gut which promote growth of healthy bacteria and act as food for bacteria linked with health and overall well-being.
  • Reduces risk of Type II diabetes
  • Improves colon health
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Improves digestion
  • Aids in constipation
  • Improve immune system
  • Help fight infection
  • Relieves inflammation
  • Maintains healthy tissues and cells

How Does Dietary Fiber Like Psyllium It Work?

Fiber can be water-soluble or water-insoluble meaning that it will either break down with water or it won’t. While insoluble fiber still plays a role in healthy digestion by assisting in the motion of our digestive tract, it is the water-soluble fiber that has the ability to lower blood sugar levels and cholesterol. As it dissolves into the water, it takes up space in our body, making us feel fuller faster and stay feeling full longer after meals which is why it helps with weight management.  Another great aspect of fiber is its prebiotic content. The body cannot break down fiber with the enzymes in our gut but what the prebiotics provide is an environment where good bacteria in our gut can grow and flourish, improving overall digestion.  

Types of Fiber

  • Cellulose is insoluble and found in the plant cell walls of many vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, kale and cauliflower.
  • Inulin is soluble and derived from chicory root and also found in foods such as garlic, onions, and bananas
  • Pectins are a soluble fiber that helps reduce our glycemic response, slowing the absorption of glucose, thus lowering blood sugar spikes and managing blood sugar levels. Found in fruits like strawberries and apples as well as potatoes and legumes.
  • Beta Glucan is another fiber containing prebiotics, increasing the “good” gut bacteria and aiding in blood sugar levels and cholesterol. Found in oats, barley and shiitake mushrooms.
  • Psyllium acts as a stool softener and is the acting ingredient in most laxatives. It is also a prebiotic and can promote healthy gut bacteria and is used as an added ingredient in supplements and cereals.

Boabab Is The New “Super-Fiber”

Psyllium vs Baobab Fruit Powder As Natural Dietary Fiber For Supplements

In Western Africa, the Baobab fruit has been harvested for generations for both its delicious attributes as well as its medicinal qualities. National Geographic boasts this dynamic fruit is a general cure-all tonic, treating a variety of ailments such as fevers, malaria, gastric problems, and vitamin C deficiency among others. When looking at its fiber content, we begin to see why many manufacturers are beginning to turn to this magical fruit birthed from the “Tree of Life” to give their supplements and smoothies the upper hand.

Baobab and Dietary Fiber

The baobab fruit is 50% fiber, of which 75% is water-soluble prebiotic dietary fiber. It can increase the good bacteria, help you to feel satiated quicker and for longer, slowing the intake of sugar to the blood and therefore regulating blood sugar levels.  

We need somewhere around 25-30grams of fiber a day but studies show that we are falling short on that effort. Trying to get the recommended dose of fiber through natural foods in tough in that, we would have to eat a lot of those foods to generate the necessary levels our bodies need. Enter the supplement game. Many of the before mentioned fibers are added to powders and smoothies around the world in effort to provide aid for its patrons but their use is limited when compared to the baobab fruit. From the way the fruit is harvested to the effects the market has on the villages where it is sourced, it is easy to see that the baobab fruit wins in every aspect.

Boasts of Baobab

  • Contains 6 times as much vitamin C as oranges, twice as much calcium then milk, and plenty B vitamins, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, and antioxidants.
  • The natural taste of Baobab powder is sweet and sour much like a pear, making it an easy ingredient to work with for many pallets. 
  • The white fruit found inside its hard outer shell, resembles misshapen marshmallows who’s outer coating is quite dry and powder-like, making it ideal for manufacturing.
  • Natural super-laxative 
  • Helps impoverished African communities. Phyto-trade is a non-profit trade association working to create efficient workable systems that promote sustainability and improve living conditions for its harvesting families. 
  • Per 100 grams, baobab actually has more soluble fiber than psyllium.

While psyllium targets a healthy colon, providing movement of the digestive tract, there are a few possible side effects to consider.

  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea, gas and bloating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Stomach pain
  • Possible, although rare, allergic reactions resulting in swelling, rash, itching and difficulty breathing.

With baobab fruit powder, you can target those issues of constipation but allow for a wide range of added benefits too.

Benefits Baobab

  • Keeps hair and skin healthy – remember that vitamin C that baobab is loaded with?  It helps the body absorb more nutrients which is how is can keep the locks looking shiny and the skin radiant.
  • Regulates body fluids – potassium, magnesium and calcium are electrolytes that stimulate muscles and nerves. This is good news for athletes!
  • Protects and repairs cells – delay, repair and prevent damage to cells caused by free radicals with antioxidants found in baobab.
  • You can eat the powder fresh and has a shelf life of 3 years so there is less need for manufacturers to use preservatives and additives.
  • The fruit tastes great all on its own! 

Consumers and manufactures alike are continuing to raise awareness about the overall benefits to our food and products, not just on a personal level but on global scale as well. How is the product made? Where is the product made? What are the bi-products of production?  Baobab is natural, organic and easy to process.  It is tasty and can be eaten without being added to any supplements. You can simply sprinkle a little powder over meals to boost the nutrient content or add to any other formulation to assist in gastrointestinal health.  

Health benefits of baobab far out way the singular benefits of other fiber sources such as psyllium. 

Fair-trade and non-profit associations are working hard to guarantee that African communities benefit from the exporting of the fruit.  

We have so much more to learn about the incredible benefits and uses of this magical fruit from the tree of life.